Spread Light with Thread Light Apparel

Our hand-drawn missional apparel threads are designed to spark conversations about Jesus, making them perfect everyday wear for the everyday Christian.

  • Ethically Sourced Products

    The increasing demand for rapid production at low costs in many industries has contributed to the rise of modern slavery within supply chains. We are committed to sourcing products that uphold ethical labour practices throughout their manufacturing processes, ensuring fairness and dignity for all workers involved.

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  • Partnered with Local Charities

    We are dedicated to living out our Christian values by consistently supporting those in greatest need. A portion of the proceeds from your purchase goes towards funding the impactful projects of ADRA, a non-profit organization committed to providing aid and making a difference in the lives of others.

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  • Community Minded

    At Thread Light Apparel we love collaborating. Do you have a design in mind? Let’s connect and bring your vision to life together!

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